Hearing loss is the third most common health problem in the United States affecting nearly 36 million Americans. Approximately 15% of “baby-boomers” (ages 45-64) have hearing loss. While a small percentage of the hearing impaired population can improve their hearing through medical or surgical intervention, the vast majority requires the use of hearing aids to improve communication. The good news is at any price point, a range of attractive hearing aid styles and options exist for all patients.
We offer the highest level of hearing care provided exclusively by Doctors of Audiology; no students, no audiology technicians. We take a holistic approach to recommending hearing devices involving the patient and their family members in the decision process. Recognizing the purchase of hearing aids is an important health investment; we provide a gimmick free alternative for discerning patients. We begin the process with a comprehensive hearing aid evaluation where we discuss your preferences, needs, motivation and expectations. We work with several major manufacturers, which allows for selection from an array of technology. Significant improvements in hearing aids include extended bandwidths, adaptive directional microphones, feedback canceling, and connectivity to sound sources all in beautiful designs and colors. Open ear fittings have allowed patients to try before buying, an attractive option especially for first time wearers.
Research from the National Council on Aging confirms hearing aid usage is positively related to the following quality of life issues:
• Earning power
• Communication in relationships
• Intimacy and warmth in family relationships
• Ease in communication
• Emotional stability
• Sense of control over life events
• Perception of mental functioning
• Physical health
• Group social participation
Often patients with significant hearing loss have the misconception that hearing aids solve the majority of their listening difficulties. The most advanced digital hearing aid technology, even with directional microphones, will not make sound more audible in situations where normal hearers have problems such as concerts, banquets, football games, houses of worship and even hearing soft speakers at a distance. In these situations, FM (frequency modulation) systems can bridge the gap hearing aids only partially solve.
People with normal hearing often experience difficulties in noise. Discrete personal communication devices can provide the extra edge needed to hear clearly in this situation. Our office provides this state of the art technology.
You owe it to yourself to improve your quality of life. Call our office to get started on the journey.